Saturday 25 July 2020

Age of Sigmar- The Mortal Realms

Chamon- Realm of metal

Ghur- The realm of beasts

Ghyrian- Realm of Life

Hysh- Realm of Light

Ulgu- Realm of Shadows
More pieces I did for our (Cubicle 7) recently released Warhammer Age of Sigmar: Soulbound RPG. This time it shows some of the realms in the world of Age of Sigmar. One of the challenges in working in age of sigmar was trying to create a piece that represented each realm. Now the lads over at Games Workshop had produced images for each before, to various degrees, sometimes just one image, other times several. So there was alot of leeway there and for some it took us quite a bit to come up with something but in the end we did. More about each realm can be found here:

Produced and art direction from Emmet Byrne

The splendid game the team made is out in PDF here:

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