Since it was asked for, here are some closeups of Moybologue, showing the aspects in more detail. The overall layout and features were based on discussions with Moybologue Historical Society and the evidence they had gathered from papers, aerial photography, historic photographs and various scans of the landscape.
Some notes, the houses outside of the Motte & Bailey are based on evidence of native Irish creat houses, these newcomers often had the natives living with or near them. The half timber houses within the bailey are cruck houses, which literary evidence points to being here as well.
Also shown is the church and its graveyard which I did a ground view of before, also attached here. The fields are based on remaining field ridge and furrow fields in the UK.
The Motte tower is based on research into the evidence from Ireland and in Europe like the Bayeux tapestry among others. The same goes for the features within the bailey, like the main hall and below it, the training ground for soldiers as well as an interior orchard etc. While the design of the gatehouse is based on evidence from medieval illustrated manuscripts from France.
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