Sunday 19 January 2020

Old Colour/Mood sketches- a trip down memory lane

Little Colour & Light explorations while I studied cultures from around the world as well as some landscapes

More explorations of cultures around the world, as well as scenes, some of these I think I spent over 2 hrs on, maybe even 3 hrs, been a while!

Rus Viking game- personal project, establishing vibe to the game, then exploring different modes for some scenes, befores and afters, one of these shows a sketch which I added another 30 mins to an hour ontop of

Little 15 mins colour & light mood explorations, trying different colour combinations to see how subtel additions of colours can alter the mood
Recently I was doing a presentation in work, during the prep for which I realised I had aload of these old colour sketches lying around which I have never shown, I thought it would be cool to let the best of them see the light of day. I do alot of this kind of thing nowadays in work so it was also great to see where I came from to compare to now.

These were daily practice sketches I did for years, while I read about the architecture, archaeology, costume, geography and some vehicles from various cultures. Of course I did  buckets of other sketches, studies, character pieces, all done in the hope of internalizing alot of this. In these though, I was experimenting with different kinds of lighting scenarios, materials, compositions, perspectives, colours, value keys and moods, all the while doing Nathan Fowkes courses in schoolism

These were mostly done in an hour, but some were done in as little as 15 mins while others 30 mins, and others in the 1-2-3 hrs mark. Was a great little exercise which it helped me hugely and provided a very solid base for me that I wouldnt be able to do the work I do now without it.

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