Monday, 18 June 2012

Talk at Éigse Shéamais Uí Mhaolchathaigh

On Saturday the 30th of June 2:00 pm, I will be giving a talk at the Éigse Shéamais Uí Mhaolchathaigh in Newcastle, south Tipperary.  The festival is in honor of Séamus Ó Maolchathaigh, the author of ‘An Gleann agus a raibh ann’, who was born near the village. My talk is entitled 'Illustrating Irish', which will be about my Irish language illustrations as well as how Irish has influenced me and my work in general.

Besides myself there will be plenty going on over the weekend at the festival, from talks from the likes of Éanna Ní Lamhna, from the radio program 'Mooney goes Wild' and Niall MacCoitir, author of many books about Irish wildlife and fauna, to fiddle making to sean-nós dancing and much, much more. If you click on the following link, you will see see the list of events on that weekend, well worth a visit!

Programme of Events

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