Wednesday, 27 April 2011

McCarthy Shield Design

I was asked by a friend of mine to do an Iron Age version of the Deer on the McCarthy Emblem (the friend being a McCarthy himself), its based on a Iron age Scarbbard found in La Tene, switzerland, with a few tweaks here and there this is the finished result. I hope in the next few weeks to have photos of the design on his shield after he paints it on, will post it when I do.


vic caswell said...

love the line and movement here! excellent work jonathan! :)

JG O'Donoghue said...

Thanks Victoria! How are things with yourself?

vic caswell said...

good! did you see the book cover i did? it's in the sidebar of my blog. titled: elemental. i didn't take the photo, but i did the background and the font for the title and then did the manipulation of it all and such...
i can't remember if i showed it to you already or not... been working on art for the trailer as well (but some of that is so rushed, i'm a bit embarassed of it!)

JG O'Donoghue said...

Cool nice cover! Not seen it before. Really like that font, very cool! Really gets the message accross. Like the clouds in the bg, and the way they split in two different colors. Nice to see you doing covers as well as writing!

vic caswell said...

thanks jonathan! i was super suprised when she asked me to do it! but YAY!!!! it'd be cool to do more covers! i'm trying to learn a bit of photography now. are you still learning your watercolors?

JG O'Donoghue said...

ah cool, photography, drawing and painting have alot of similarities also alot of differences too. I always meant to learn it someday, maybe someday I will!

Yes I am still doing watercolor/colored ink paintings, tho most end up bad so I dont bother showing them

Paj said...

damn.. delighted when I saw the pic on google.. then read it... dont think I'll be using that for the base of my iron age stag tattoo then.. bugger.. though I dont think trevor would mind really :)

JG O'Donoghue said...

Hey Pajo! You want to use this as a tattoo? Well I dont mind anyway if u want to, dont think Trev would mind either! If u do decide to use it, take a pic of the tattoo with it, id love to see it!

Alex Lee said...

Thats amazing man, got to get yeah to do one up for me :) All your stuff is amazing, really like the 3d stuff aswel :)

JG O'Donoghue said...

Thanks Alex, much appreciated man. No problem I can do a shield design sometime if u want one.

Kevin said...

Very nice! Would you happen to have link to the original scabbard?

JG O'Donoghue said...

Afraid I cant remember off hand, sorry :(

Kevin said...

I just managed to find something very similar in Google Books: Celtic art in pagan and Christian times By John Romilly Allen p. 11 (1904).

Thanks for responding, and best of luck!


JG O'Donoghue said...

Not a bother man, you too!